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NIMA Solapur, News

NIMACON 2019 38th All India Conference of NIMA, "NIMACON 2019" Registration started Visit http://www.nimasolapur.com/NIMACON-2019.php for registration

  • Mob: 9595896767
  • Email: dr.jiddimani@gmail.com

Kamal Multispeciality Hospital, 1-2529/30, Bidi Gharkul Hydrabad road, Solapur.

  • Mob: 9657729419
  • Email: dr.abhijitpujari@gmail.com

Shri Vishwapratibha Ayurved Chikistalay & Panchakarma,Below Nagparavti Pharmacy,Near Old RTO, Railway Lines,Solapur.

  • Mob: 9970325516
  • Email: drpravin1084@gamil.com

SHARDA CLINIC,Beside Mahadev Mandir,Barshi road, Bale, Solapur.

My Dear Esteemed Member,

Am so honoured to serve as the President of NIMA Solapur Branch. Am glad to express my deep insights and work with a new vision. We doctors organised for a joint purpose and formed NIMA. There is a very interesting quote to say, "No One Saves Us but Ourselves. No One Can and No One may. We Ourselves must walk the Path". So True.

For any Association to become strong, grow and flourish, there requires a hard Core. I am grateful to my colleagues who've joinedfor the speed, uplift and flight of it.To grow up,We need to Dream. Dreams come true only when we unite & Dare to work hard, selflessly.

We are working on various aspects. But whatever our ambitions, we must remember always that collaboration and diversity go hand in hand.

NIMA Solapur Branch had always influenced its role onto the STATE & CENTRAL NIMA.

We are in an insinuate mode, an era of transformation in & within the association. We are working on all the logics & statistics to arrant. A strong Association will rule & judge.

And your persona will dignify and signify.

Without your 1% support, we won't complete to 100%.

We will have various CME's ,Seminars and lectures for update to upgrade. We are promisingly and confidently interested in promoting AYURVEDA. Its an urge to both ISM practitioners and Vaidyas to come join the slogan for bright future, frame & fame of Ayurveda as well as NIMA.

Hoping for your valuable support & encouragement for the best to make continue the legacy of NIMA.

"Help us to help you."

